Private methods with vanilla JavaScript

So you’ve been using create-react-app and now you want to do a simple web project, maybe with jQuery, but you want quasi-modules with private methods? Here’s what briefly worked for me, before I threw in the towel and installed webpack and switched to using import and export.

With this, Board.create() will work and Board.makeRow() will not.

const Board = (() => {
  // private methods
  const cellId = (row, cell) => {
    let id = row > 9 ? "" + row : "0" + row
    id += cell > 9 ? cell : "0" + cell
    return id

  const makeCell = id => $("<td>").attr("id", id)

  const makeRow = rowId => {
    const $row = $("<tr>")
    for (let j = 0; j < boardWidth; j++) {
      const id = cellId(rowId, j)
    return $row

  return {
    // public method
    create: () => {
      const $board = $("<table>")
      for (let i = 0; i < boardHeight; i++) {
      return $board

April 28, 2019 JavaScript

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Written by Alesh Houdek, a web developer in Colorado. This is mostly code snippets and ideas I might want to reuse.